Tusculum Univeristy offers free tutoring services for both traditional and adult online (AOS) students. Tutoring is provided on a drop-in basis on Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm and 7pm-9pm at the Center for Academic Success and Tutoring, located on the ground floor of the Meen Center on the Greeneville campus. Virtual and in-person appointments can be booked by emailing the Tutoring Coordinator at tutoring@tusculum.edu.
Citation management tools allow a user to:
Zotero is free open source software, available for download on your computer or used online via the web. You can download on multiple devices and Zotero automatically synchronizes your data.
EndNote Basic, also known as EndNote Web, is a free web-based application offered by Clarivate Analytics and Web of Science. EndNote Basic is a stripped down version of the EndNote product that is available for purchase.
Mendeley is a free citation manager tool offered by Elsevier, providers of the Science Direct platform. You can download Mendeley on multiple devices and sync your citations across the devices using your online Mendeley account.
Citation Manager information courtesy of Benedictine University Library.
Center for Academic Success and Tutoring
Meen Center, Room 008
(423) 636-7300 ext. 5211
Office of Academic Success and Tutoring
Meen Center, Room 008
423-636-7300 ext. 5625