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Information Literacy Sessions

Information on the information literacy sessions offered by the library to supplement learning and research projects, including a form to request a session for class.

Research 101 Information Literacy Sessions

The library offers 14 short information literacy sessions to supplement regular course learning. These sessions are designed to provide introductions to the library and various research skills. These sessions also build upon those skills in order to prepare students for various types of research based projects and learning.

Each session is designed to provide students with the basic skills needed to begin research with library sources. Other sessions help to build upon those skills, preparing students for the workload ahead.

Sessions can be modified or adapted to different class needs. Faculty can choose which sessions that would benefit their classes or student needs. Sessions can be delivered in person or via Zoom. Each session also has been adapted as a Canvas module which can be seamlessly added to any Canvas Course. To do so, simply search the Canvas Commons for "Research 101" and locate the shared modules.

Additionaly, information from the most popular sessions have been made available as LibGuide on the library's website. Those guides include: Research 101, Plagiarism & Paraphrasing, Citation Information, Writing Assignments Guide and Generative AI and Information Ethics.

The General Overview session introduces students to the library, its staff, resources, the introductory concepts of information literacy, citations and plagiarism. Students will also view a virtual tour of the library's website, databases, and online catalog. This will help students become familiar with the location for finding scholarly resources.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. This session is designed to instruct those students who are first starting their higher education journey, but it can be adapted as a refresher for upper classes.

Much like the General Overview session, the Libraries & Learning session will introduce students to the library, its staff, resources, the introductory concepts of information literacy, citations and plagiarism. Students will also view a virtual tour of the library's website, databases, and online catalog. This will help students become familiar with the location for finding scholarly resources, with a fantasy themed spin!

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. This session is designed to instruct those students who are first starting their higher education journey, but it can be adapted as a refresher for upper classes.

The Beginning Research session is part one of two which take a deeper dive into the research process. Throughout this session, students will learn the best approaches for research assignments, be presented with some helpful tricks to make the research process easier. This session will also provides students with helpful skills to enable them to be better prepared for research assignments.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

The Conducting Research session is part two of two which take a deeper dive into the research process. Students will learn some tips on navigating library databases and how to find the best results for their information needs. Such tips include Boolean Operators, database filter options and different ways to retrieve specific results with a library database.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

During the Plagiarism session, students will be introduced to the definition and types of plagiarism. They will also be given examples of how plagiarism can look with the help of Dr. Seuss.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

During The Art of the Paraphrase session, students will learn what the differences between paraphrasing, quoting and summarizing are. They will also be given examples of ways to approach writing paraphrases.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

During the Citations Basics sessions, students will learn about the basic parts of a citation, why they are important and how they can be written. A portion of the session is dedicated to a citation relay, in which students, in groups, race to write a citations on w white board.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

During the Evaluating Resources session, we take a deeper dive into the C.R.A.A.P. test and how students can use it to help determine a source's credibility and usefulness in their research needs.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

During the How to Read a Peer Reviewed Article session, we help students feel less intimidated by scholarly and peer reviewed articles. We break down the different parts of scholarly articles and provide students with an approach strategy to effectively use and understand the information found within those types of articles.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

In the Types of Resources session, students will learn about the various resources that can be used for research assignments. They will be given examples of what counts as a scholarly source and what doesn't.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

In the Library Databases session, students will be provided with a better understanding of what library databases are and why they should use them to find credible sources. We will cover the key differences between searching databases and search Google or the web in general.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes with a Kahoot quiz at the end for assessment purposes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

The Rhetorical Analysis session will help students gain a better understanding of this type of assignment that they may be assigned in class. During the session, we will define what a Rhetorical Analysis is and provide tips on how to write one.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

The Literature Review session is designed to help students gain a better understanding of this particular type of writing. During the session, we will discuss what a Literature Review is and how students can approach writing one.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

The Annotated Bibliography Session, shares much in common with the Rhetorical Analysis and Literature Review sessions. During this session, we help students gain a better understanding of this particular assignment and provide them with examples and best practices on approaching and completing these bibliographies.

This session takes about 30 to 45 minutes. Each session can also be adapted for the specific needs of the class and can be used to refresh upperclasses on specifc research based skills.

Kathy Hipps, Library Director

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Kathy Hipps
423-636-7320 ext. 5123