So what are some ways that plagiarism can be avoided?
Well first and foremost, simply don't do it!
If you can avoid it, do so. Plagiarism is not worth the risk in order to complete a task or assignment quickly.
You can also check with your librarians or tutors to see if a sentence can be re-worded to avoid plagiarsim. If you are uncertain about something that you have written or need help with rewording something from a source material, your librarians and tutors are happy to help.
There are also several websites online that can assist with checking for plagiarism before you submit your work. Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker is an excellent tool available online. A word of caution, your instructors will also have access to similar software and will be able to see if your assignment has any plagiarism in it. So, as a best practice, try to make sure you don't have any sort of plagiarism in your work, before you submit it.
And lastly, practice proper paraphrasing. On the next page of this guide, you can find information on what paraphrasing is and how you can practice the skill.