Study skills may seem like a concept that you do not really need to know that much about, but in reality it can provide a valuable skill set that can make your learning experiences easier!
There is a huge difference between studying in high skills versus studying in college. Often college courses, assignments and exams are far more rigorous than the high school counterpart. So much more is expected of you in college than in high school and more often than not, you will need to figure out a new approach that works best for you. What worked in high school, may not work for you in college.
This LibGuide will hopefully provide our students with some basic information to get them started or even build upon some study skills they may have or need.
While there are a lot of suggested study skills out there, these are some of the most important ones to master. In doing so, you are improving yourself, your learning experiences and knowledge outcomes. This Guide will focus on a few of the more important ones we feel will benefit our students the most. On the Study Skills Resources page, you will find links to other resources we think are valuable to your learning experiences, should you wish to dive into those skills further!